Sunday, December 30, 2007

excerpts from The Humanist Manifesto III

these are pretty good

-Life’s fulfillment emerges from individual participation in the service of humane ideals.
-Humans are social by nature and find meaning in relationships.
-Working to benefit society maximizes individual happiness.

Can everyone succeed at the same time?

Is it possible for 100% of the population to succeed at the utmost level at any given time?
Or...must there be failure in order for there to be success.

In other words...if everyone becomes a genius, then who is going to be the custodian.

What is my definition of success? At this point in my life it seems success is giving back to the world more then you take from it.
Example: Sir Isaac Newton probably ate some food everyday, probably used some of the Earth's resources in order to sustain his life, but, his discovery of gravity and scientific work contributed to this world in a huge way. For everyone.

So, if everyone succeeds, if everyone contributes to this world in a huge way [which is VERY possible, most just seem to doubt themselves] would we be able to end wars, famine, strife, and do things such as explore our universe at a much higher level, and do things to improve the lives of everyone around us. OR, must there always be failure in order to gauge success. Such as everything is relative.

I believe we can all succeed [to the utmost level, to the MAX] at the same time.

Call me crazy.

(a normal man, just like you or I)

Saturday, December 29, 2007

First Breath

This isn't the beginning of anything. This isn't a chronicle.
This might be a mind set. This could be a way of living.

Evolution of self. You are born with nothing but instinct and breath. But you can become the savior of mankind. 

This is about believing in yourself.

Many people fear the power of themselves. But let's be clear about one thing:
 -[Fear is not Real]-
Or rather, it is only as real as you let it be.

This will be a place for the thoughts of the believers in self. Those with the power to change what they wish and realize their power.

It will be a place for comment and critique. A place for support and thought.

Our world is heading towards a dark future. [We must recognize this] 
It is up to us to free the minds of those stuck in the system. We must liberate them from the mundane, the control, and the constraints.

These posts are intended to stir thought as we realize: we invent the future.