Thursday, January 29, 2009


We have gotten the lost footage back from outcall. after our shoot, a good portion of footage was lost due to some faulty hardware. Hope stayed alive though, and I got a recovery program that eventually led us back to all the footage. it was 4 weeks of hell and stress about having to do reshoots and lots of shit i wouldn't have really wanted to do that is now over with. these tests will come up time and time again and the only thing to do is perservere and keep hope alive.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

jack respects my work ethic and i respect his.
this is how good partnerships work

we will be working together to get the feature script out there and read.
the next chapter !

Friday, January 23, 2009

Hard Times

We are '87.
We crush the future
We know it all
More than before and more than after
We are the birth of the future
In your eyes so long ago

We are at an alarming rate
We are more everyday
We suffer like everyone else
We create more than ever

We leave amidst chaos
Just as when we were born

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I want to be able to make films that feel like they are from another planet.

I am nearing the completion of my feature length script based on the book 'Edge of the Sword,' to which I have the option rights. Upon the idea of a friend, I have renamed the story to 'Freed Men.' As Barack Obama takes office today, I feel as though the finishing of my script at this time in history is amazing timing.
In two weeks or so it should be completed. Then distributed, revised, polished, and hopefully sold.

I have selected a few ideas I have been developing to function as my next feature length script. The one I am most interested in involves drug addiction in the early 1800's in England. Here is a picture of the author of the original work.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Outcall Trailer A

After 6 months of laboring, I finally have some edited footage from Outcall. Here's the first trailer for the film.

Its definitely a step up from anything I've ever directed. It's the first time a post 'screenwriting enlightenment' script of mine (with time spent on it) has been made into a movie.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Would you like butter on that?

I hate my job at Arclight.

I mean, I don't hate it, I enjoy free movies monday through thursday and I can tolerate most of the people there.

It's just that I hate getting hot butter squirted all over my arm.

I remember simpler times, when people didn't have Iphones and Facebooks and unnecesary stupid shit. I played handball a lot back then and was outdoors a lot more. I miss those times.

On a lighter note, not that anyone reads this, but I'm actually close to finally having a rough cut on Outcall, one of the big project's i've been working on. Nate turned to me as he was watching it and said " does it feel to have a real movie." That made me happy.

Edge of the Sword is now on page 100...