Friday, January 9, 2009

Would you like butter on that?

I hate my job at Arclight.

I mean, I don't hate it, I enjoy free movies monday through thursday and I can tolerate most of the people there.

It's just that I hate getting hot butter squirted all over my arm.

I remember simpler times, when people didn't have Iphones and Facebooks and unnecesary stupid shit. I played handball a lot back then and was outdoors a lot more. I miss those times.

On a lighter note, not that anyone reads this, but I'm actually close to finally having a rough cut on Outcall, one of the big project's i've been working on. Nate turned to me as he was watching it and said " does it feel to have a real movie." That made me happy.

Edge of the Sword is now on page 100...

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