Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The missing piece

“A character's inner conflict is not just being in two minds about something, not just being torn between obvious incompatibles (“I want to be a priest, and yet I love her”) but is about being in a new situation where old attitudes and habits war with and hinder the need for change." (Mysteryman on film)

So this is what I've been struggling with over the last 2 years on freed men. This was what I had to try and crack with my character. And I finally realized that it relates back to the theme of control and power. Slavery ran on control and power. Twitchell wanted to help the slaves but still held onto his want to control them and be the one in power. Then he realizes he must give up this power to the slaves if he wants to succeed. This is represented by him voting for a black person to be the one in control in the culmination of the story.

That shit was hard to figure out, trust me. But I think I've finally got it. And that's what will make it sell.

"One part of ourselves may want to give those around us (children, spouses, friends) total freedom to pursue their happiness in their own ways, while another part fears losing control."


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